Data Encryption

Prevent Unauthorized Access to Sensitive Data at Rest & in Transit with SecureNAS®

FIPS 140-2 level 3

The Federal Information Processing Standard Publication 140-2 (FIPS PUB 140-2) is a computer security standard employed by the U.S. government for the approval of cryptographic modules. To hold this ranking, you need to pass rigorous inspections of both hardware and software.

The use of FIPS 140-2 level 3 data protection ensures that your information is fully encrypted and secure. The security measures in this instance include two factor authentication as well as multiple access points for users who need them so they can’t be hacked remotely or accessed without physical possession.

What is Data Encryption?

Data encryption converts your confidential data into a complex algorithm that only someone with access to the key can decrypt.

The process of converting information you want hidden in this way ensures its safety, as well as ensuring keys are provided only by authorized users so even if somebody gets their hands on them, they won’t understand what’s being sent or stored unless it has been perfectly encrypted beforehand using our proprietary software.

Why is it important?

In today’s world, data is more accessible and desirable than ever before. This increase in the value of information has led to an increased need for protection which can only come from encryption. It’s an essential tool that can be used to protect the integrity, authenticity and availability of company data. Encryption provides a high level of protection for your sensitive data.

It can be used to verify the integrity and authenticity as well as keep it safe from unwanted modification or viewing by others who may attempt to access with malicious intent, like hackers in this case, because they would want access without permission. Sometimes there might even come regulation requirements that explicitly require encryption. To stay ahead in the fast-paced industry, there are many methods available for protecting network security in the ever-changing world of cybercrime.

Ultimate Security

The most commonly used type of symmetric algorithm in modern computing? AES-256 which was designed by National Institute Agency Studies (NIST) under guidance from Department of Defense (DoD).

What is an Encryption Key?

The Ciphertex® encryption key is a single, private hardware key that can be used to ensure your data stays safe. Encryption uses paired keys that are mathematically linked to the SecureNAS® and can only be used together. Either key can be used to encrypt data but the paired key must be used to decrypt it.

This makes it the best method of choice for individuals who need quick transmissions without risking information getting compromised.

How does data encryption work?

Data encryption is the process of transforming readable data into an unreadable format. The goal of data encryption is to protect the privacy of the data’s owner as well as to prevent unauthorized access to the information. There are various methods of encrypting data, but all involve a transformation of the plaintext into an encrypted form.

In order to encrypt data, you need both an encryption algorithm and an encryption key. The encryption algorithm is used to convert the plaintext into ciphertext, while the encryption key is used to unlock the ciphertext and convert it back into plaintext.

The encryption key is a secret piece of information that must be kept confidential. If someone else gains access to your encryption key, they will be able to decrypt your data and read it aloud. The encryption key is a critical component of data encryption. The key is used to unlock the encrypted data and convert it back into its original form. Without the key, the encrypted data is unreadable. The encryption key must be kept confidential and secure, as it is the only way to access the encrypted information.

If you are looking for a way to protect your data from catastrophic security breaches, consider using data encryption. Encrypting your data can help keep it safe from hackers and unauthorized access.

Catastrophic security breaches top world headlines every day, and for good reason. Global cybercrime costs are expected to grow by 15 percent per year over the next five years, reaching $10.5 trillion USD annually by 2025,1 and 61% of breaches are caused by stolen or weak passwords. As a result, IT organizations can’t rely exclusively on passwords to protect access to corporate data. They have to adopt stronger employee and vendor authentication—or risk becoming the next target.

Ciphertex Protect®

The Ciphertex Protect® is a hardware encryption key that provides strong phishing defense and can secure legacy or modern systems. This product features multi-protocol security capabilities with the ability to authenticate via two-factor authentication.

The new Ciphertex Protect® security keys are designed to keep your information protected at the highest level of assurance. They meet or exceed criteria set by NIST SP800-63B guidelines, preferred for use in government and regulated industries.

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