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Secure Data Storage For Higher Education
Protecting data is a significant challenge for educational institutions. Colleges and universities face vulnerabilities in data storage and network security, leading to potential multimillion-dollar losses from data breaches. Ciphertex SecureNAS® provides a solution, enabling educational institutions to secure student, faculty, financial, and research data against malicious attacks and human errors.
Universities Using Data Security
Losing personally identifiable information (PII) in a breach is the most expensive, with an estimated recovery cost of around $150 per record if the breach resulted from oversight or human error. However, if the breach is a result of a malicious attack, the average cost increases to $175 per record. In the case of intellectual property, the average cost per record is $147.6.
Ponemon’s 2023 Cost of a Data Breach Report concluded an average price tag of $4.45 million to a data breach. Although investing in security infrastructure can reduce this cost, the report highlighted additional expenses such as lawsuits, compliance with stricter privacy laws, and damage to reputation, which could potentially contribute millions more to the initial cost of the data breach.
Standards in Data Encryption for Universities
Policy and Key Management
- Transmission of sensitive data and passwords
- Encrypted file transfer for personal and shared storage
- Communication of data between web applications and client machines
- Encryption of remote sessions via secure protocols (i.e., SSL, SSH)
- Use of a Virtual Private Network with encrypted access to services
- Whole disk encryption for laptops, phones, and other portable devices
- File level encryption on USB drives and other types of portable media
Boosting Digital Security for Your School
Secure Data Storage: Implement data encryption for on-premise storage. Restrict server access for former staff, opting for private clouds or hybrid data storage solutions.
Encryption Software: The application should facilitate cloud collaboration, ensuring audit control across platforms. Its flexible configurations cater to diverse user types, security needs, and institutions.
A Secure Website: A CMS(Content Management System) offers easy access and rich information. Choose an evolving open-source CMS, alongside two-factor authentication and secure file transfer. Implement a single sign-on for enhanced access control to multiple resources.
Cybersecurity Education: Human error often leads to cybercrimes. Educate regularly on security threats, emphasizing robust passwords, risks of malicious links, and proper reporting to IT.
Manage Education Portable Data Systems: Educate on safe device use and restrict USB access to those devices with secure data encryption.
Constant Data Monitoring: A high-performance security system can track data to prevent and minimize effect of attack. Data Loss Prevention software analyzes, blocks suspicious accounts, and flags policy violations for added data security.
Data Backup and Recovery: Maintain a contingency plan for potential data breaches. Schools and universities can operate with a disaster recovery plan, supported by insurance coverage for data security incident costs.
Invest in Ciphertex Data Security® Products
Higher education and research are at the forefront of innovation, yet they remain vulnerable to cybercrime. That’s where Ciphertex Data Security® comes in. Offering excellent efficiency with high-range encrypted network storage capabilities that can connect seamlessly across any number devices for greater computing power while maintaining ultimate protection from hackers.
Ciphertex Data Security® provides reliable solutions designed specifically for high-computing power and ultimate security to meet today’s institution’s needs.
- https://edtechmagazine.com/higher/article/2019/06/lingering-security-gaps-higher-ed-student-data-breaches-remain-concern
- https://www.zdnet.com/article/georgia-tech-reveals-data-breach-1-3-million-records-exposed
- https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/wsu-to-pay-up-to-4-7-million-for-data-theft-involving-1-2-million-people
- https://www.lansingstatejournal.com/story/news/local/2016/11/30/msu-estimates-spending-3-million-responding-data-breach/94541962
- https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix/2014/12/17/costs-repair-massive-mcccd-computer-hack-top-million/20539491
- https://www.cpomagazine.com/cyber-security/what-is-the-real-cost-of-a-data-breach-new-report-indicates-its-about-4-million-to-9-million-for-smes
- https://www.ponemon.org